Version 0.4  
Released 12 Aug 2002
Copyright © 2002 Ravi Bhavnani
All Rights Reserved

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 What's EBayAuctionViewer?
EBayAuctionViewer is an easy-to-use tool that helps you find and download EBay auctions.  You can browse downloaded auctions at leisure, without having to be connected to the internet.  EBayAuctionViewer is especially useful if you use a modem to connect to the web.

EBayAuctionViewer main window  
Some of EBayAuctionViewer's features are:
  • Specify any kind of search supported by EBay
  • Run multiple searches
  • Automatic index creation with intelligent incremental downloads
  • Log file captures all activity
  • Fully unattended operation allows you to optionally disconnect the modem and shut down your PC when finished
  • Minimize storage by ignoring multiple copies of stock images such as EBay and PayPal icons
  • Highly customizable
EBayAuctionViewer runs on Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000 and XP.

 What does it cost?
EBayAuctionViewer is free.

To install EBayAuctionViewer, download the self-extractor EBayAuctionViewerSFX.exe (75 Kb) and run it.  This will create EBayAuctionViewer.exe in a directory of your choice.

To uninstall EBayAuctionViewer, delete these 3 files (all located in the installation directory):

  • EBayAuctionViewer.exe
  • EBayAuctionViewer.ini
  • EBayAuctionViewer.dat
EBayAuctionViewer doesn't modify the Windows registry and doesn't create or modify any files in the Windows or Windows system folders.

 How to use EBayAuctionViewer
EBayAuctionViewer is easy to use!  This section describes how to:
  1. Start and stop EBayAuctionViewer
  2. Add, modify and delete searches
  3. Run a search
  4. Pause a search
  5. Cancel a search
  6. View search results
  7. Customize EBayAuctionViewer

Starting and stopping EBayAuctionViewer

To start EBayAuctionViewer, run C:\EBayAuctionViewer\EBayAuctionViewer.exe.  To stop EBayAuctionViewer, click the "X" at the upper right corner.

Adding, modifying and deleting searches

Adding a search  
First, search for your item on EBay.  When EBay displays the first page of its results, copy the search url from your browser, click Add on EBayAuctionViewer's "Searches" tab, and paste the url into the "URL" box in the "New Search" window.  Click OK to add the search.

To modify a search, select it and click Modify.  Enter the new information in the "Modify Search" window, and click OK to modify the search. To delete a search, select it and click Delete.

Running a search

Search progress  
To run one or more searches, select them in the "Searches" tab and click Start.  EBayAuctionViewer runs multiple searches sequentially.

When you start searching, EBayAuctionViewer switches to the "Progress" tab and displays its progress.

When a search completes, EBayAuctionViewer updates the information in the "Searches" window.  The "Run" column displays the time the search started.  The "Auctions" column contains 2 numbers: the first indicates the number of auctions downloaded, while the second indicates the number of auctions found.

Search results

The numbers may differ if you ran a search and chose to skip already downloaded auctions, or if you cancelled a search before it could finish.

Pausing a search

To pause a running search, click the Pause button in the "Progress" pane.  To resume the search, click Continue.  To cancel the search, click Stop.

Cancelling a search

Cancelling a search  
To cancel a running search, click the Stop button in the "Progress" pane.  EBayAuctionViewer eventually displays the "Cancel Search" window.  You can choose to cancel the current search or all pending searches.  Select the desired option and click OK, or click Cancel to continue.

A cancelled search isn't simply abandoned.  EBayAuctionViewer will generate an index for auctions that were found prior to cancellation.  This allows you to safely interrupt a search without losing its partial results.

Viewing search results

When a search completes, EBayAuctionViewer creates the following files in the download folder (eg: C:\Auctions)
  • A search results folder (eg: C:\Auctions\Barclay_James_Harvest_CDs)
  • Numbered auction folders (eg: 896863770) within the search results folder
  • Downloaded auction file (eg: 896863770.htm) and image files (eg: 896863770_BJHCD.gif) in the auction folder
  • Timestamped search index file (eg: Barclay_James_Harvest_CDs_20020806_153441.htm) in the search results folder
  • Search log file in the log subdirectory
  • Stock EBay images in the stock_images subdirectory
Files created by EBayAuctionViewer  
To browse the search results, drag the search index file into your browser.  Click the links in the index file to view individual auctions.

EBayAuctionViewer inserts the download timestamp at the top of each auction, along with a link to the live EBay version of the page.

Customizing EBayAuctionViewer

EBayAuctionViewer's options  
You can customize EBayAuctionViewer's operation to suit your needs.  Select the "Options" tab to modify EBayAuctionViewer's settings.

You can select the download directory, choose whether EBayAuctionViewer should skip already downloaded auctions, or download auctions without downloading images.

You can also enforce various time and quantity limits, and select one of 3 error handling modes.

Finally, you can instruct EBayAuctionViewer to automatically disconnect from the internet and shutdown your computer after completing its task.  If you choose these options, EBayAuctionViewer will display a count-down timer before disconnecting or shutting down, allowing you to cancel the disconnect or shutdown.

Most options can be changed in the middle of a search!

 Known problems
None (yet).

 Release notes

 Version 0.4, released 12 Aug 2002
  • Enhancements
    1. Added a "Pause" feature.
    2. The program now displays its progress in the caption bar.

 Version 0.3, released 9 Aug 2002
  • Enhancements
    1. Search results are now stored in a named folder beneath the root download folder, instead of the generic auctions folder.
    2. Downloaded auctions are now stored in numbered folders within the named search folder, instead of the generic auctions folder.
    3. Auction images are stored within each auction folder instead of the generic images folder.  This makes it easier to delete an auction and all its images.
    4. The "Limits" options in the "Options" tab have been reworded to be more clear.
    5. The program is now more responsive during a search.
  • Bug Fixes
    1. The "find" part of a search ignored the search specific time limit.  This no longer happens.
    2. The index file generated for a search was missing the <BODY> tag, causing it to display improperly in Netscape and Opera.  This has been fixed.

 Version 0.2, released 7 Aug 2002
  • Enhancements
    1. Made search time limits also apply to "find" process.  Renamed time limit options to indicate this.
    2. Speeded up program's response while finding auctions.  Program now responds about once every second while finding auctions.

 Version 0.1, released 6 Aug 2002
  • Initial release

 How to submit a bug report
To submit a bug report, suggestion or feature request, please send mail to  Although I may not be able to send you a personal reply, please be assured that I read each and every message.  A list of known bugs, along with the names of their discoverers will be posted at this page.

Most of the drivel at this site is copyright © Ravi Bhavnani.
Questions or comments?  Send mail to